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Laurie Haggerty

Laurie Haggerty acquired Roxanne York Real Estate in January 2020. After working with Roxanne York for 9 years, and over 18 years of real estate experience, Laurie leads her team with knowledge, integrity, & tenacity. Laurie’s success as a Realtor starts with her great experience in building, renovating and investing in real estate throughout the Midcoast area, allowing a deeper perspective on property than a mere transaction. As a Harpswell resident herself, Laurie has an innate [...]

Laurie Haggerty acquired Roxanne York Real Estate in January 2020. After working with Roxanne York for 9 years, and over 18 years of real estate experience, Laurie leads her team with knowledge, integrity, & tenacity. Laurie’s success as a Realtor starts with her great experience in building, renovating and investing in real estate throughout the Midcoast area, allowing a deeper perspective on property than a mere transaction. As a Harpswell resident herself, Laurie has an innate ability to understand clients needs and connect them with her long list of service contractors & local contacts, making her a wonderful resource for guiding people to success and comfort as they find their footing in the mid coast Maine area. Her genuine care and respect for her clients always makes the experience enjoyable as well as professional.

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